Write UP OHSINT - Try Hackme

1 minute read


Assalamualaikum wr.wb Hi everyone,
I’m currently going to try to finish the Capture The Flag (CTF) lab. This lab is titled OhSINT(Try Hackme). In this case, there are 7 lists of questions that we must solve. Our goal is only one, namely Flag ^-^

The first step we are required to first download the image that will be a guide

“What information can you possibly get with just one photo?”

1. What is this users avatar of ?
Previously we will install exiftool. where exiftool is useful for reading metadata from images or photos.

There is copyright, namely Owoodflint. let’s google….

answer : CAT

2. What city is this person in?

answer: London

3. Whats the SSID of the WAP he connected to?
The tools we use to complete this task are wifi wiggles. where this tool can track the whereabouts of wifi. but this tool we are supposed to log in to first.


4. What is his personal email address?

answer : Owoodflint@gmail.com

5. What site did you find his email address on?

6. Where has he gone on holiday?

Answer: New York

7. What is this persons password?

This is really interesting. There is hidden information. and the format of the writing also catches our attention. let’s try
And, yes it is. it’s a password….

Thank you for your time.
Regards, Abdi Bimantara